Sleigh Winter Market is SOLD OUT. You may submit an application for wait list consideration if a confirmed vendor is unable to attend. Thanks very much
2024 SLEIGH Winter Market Vendor Registration
December 7th & 8th, 11:00 am -3:00 pm
Saturday & Sunday
Greetings wonderful vendors! For 2024, only online applications will be accepted. If you are a new vendor who has not sold at Sleigh before, please do not send in any registration fees until you're approved for the 2024 Sleigh Winter Market. Please note we have wait list for items such as jewelry, body care, stones, breads, crystals and other items.
Please click on the link to fill out an application!
Sleigh Winter Market Rules and Regualtions
HEALTH DEPARTMENT PERMIT # All prepared/processed food must display a Health Department Permit/Home Confectioners License at their booth. For info on licensing and sampling, please call Coconino Health Department 928-679-8750 or email [email protected].
BUSINESS LICENSE/TPT(sales tax license) All vendors (other than growers) must have a state of Arizona TPT license. Contact Arizona Department of Revenue with questions at or 800-352-4090. License number # ______________
COMMERCIAL LIABILITY INSURANCE listing Flagstaff Community Markets, LLC as an additional insured must be issued by all processed and prepared food vendors. Growers and artisan vendors may choose the Indemnity Agreement in lieu of commercial liability coverage. All applicants must submit a signed Indemnity Agreement.
Nest run egg vendors must be registered with the Arizona Department of Agriculture. Home Baked Confectioners must have and display a Home Confectioner License.
Returning Sleigh vendors are given first priority for spaces until October 15th. After November 1st, new vendors will be considered based on availability and registration will go up to $60 for both days and $40 for individual days. FCM may limit certain types of products such as jewelry, hot sauce, crystals, woodworking ect..
Registration & Market Fees
10'x10' Canopy Space w/ vehicle
Two Day Registration (Sat and Sun) 10x10 vending space $60 $__________
Individual Daily Rate Sat or Sun - 10’x10’ space: $40 $__________
All vendors pay 10% of gross sales to the market and must settle their 10% of gross daily sales fee before leaving the market.
Flagstaff Community Market's "Sleigh" Market Vendor Selection
- Flagstaff Community Markets, LLC (FCM) will determine layout and vendor selection. Returning vendors get first priority. Vendors will be a mix of growers, prepared food, value added/processed food, artisans and specialized mercantile. In order to ensure a balanced market there may be limits on the number of jewelry, bread, coffee, baked goods, salsa etc. Space may be made available for non profit and community groups that are interested in tabling at the market.
- Prepared food vendors are permitted at the market. All prepared food vendors must meet all Fire and Health Department regulations.
Rules and Regulations
I. Mission
The mission of the market is to support small independent growers, value added food producers, artists and small businesses.
II. Market Guidelines
1. All returning vendor applications will be reviewed and accepted or rejected by FCM and must include registration fees with their application.
2. In addition to the flat fee for the market, all vendors must pay 10% of gross sales to the market manager at the close of each market day. Registration fees are not refunded for missed markets.
3. FCM reserves the right to randomly audit vendor sales/credit/debit totals. FCM and/or its Manager have the right to suspend or revoke a vendor’s ability to sell at any point.
4. Vendors and management are expected to maintain high standards of honesty and respect towards one another and customers and conduct themselves in a courteous manner. Rudeness, prejudice, intolerance towards others, and dishonesty are grounds for immediate removal from the market.
III. Vendor Guidelines- the following MUST be received and approved prior to vending
1. Completed and signed vendor registration and proof of all relevant licenses and health department certifications
2. Copy of liability insurance listing Flagstaff Community Market LLC as an additional insured for ALL food vendors. Growers and artists may submit a signed indemnity agreement.
3. Payment of all booth fees.
4. Signed copy of the FCM Rules and Regulations
5. Vendors selling prepared food must use compostable or paper products for serving food and drinks. No styrofoam products are permitted. Paper and compostable products are to be used for single use serving items and sampling.
FCM my limit certain items from being sold and any items may not be sold that are not listed in the "What you plan to sell" section.
IV. Agricultural and Food Vending Requirements
2. ALL Value Added and prepared food vendors MUST carry commercial liability insurance and list Flagstaff Community Markets, LLC as an additional insured and provide FCM with a copy.
3. Nest run egg vendors must register and comply with relevant Arizona Department of Agriculture standards. Call 602-542-4373 for info
4. All scales must bear a current seal from the Department of Weights and Measures.
5. No resale of items such as bottled water or soda. All beverages must be made by vendors.
6. The Market encourages use of Arizona-grown ingredients in all value added products and it is expected that prepared foods contain products from local growers.
7. The market reserves the right to limit similar value added products which are sold.
8. All food vendors must meet any applicable local, state, and federal regulations. If you sell prepared foods, or sample at the market you MUST have and display a Coconino County Public Health Services District Temporary Food Service License and Sales Tax number. If you sell prepared foods or sample at the market, you MUST have a hand washing station. Call Environmental Services at 928-679-8760 for
more information. If you do not have these displayed, you will NOT be permitted to sell.
V. Stall Guidelines
1. Vendors will sell at designated stall space and maintain their stall space in clean, sanitary and safe condition. No pets other than service dogs are permitted inside the vending booth.
2. All vendors must break down boxes and separate recycling. No co-mingling of trash and recyclables is permitted.
3. Vendors are responsible for lighting within their booths. There will be no access to electricity.
VI. Market Safety
1. Vendors should begin set-up no earlier than an hour and a half before the market starts.
2. No vehicles will be allowed into the market less than 30 minutes prior to start of the market and until after the market has ended.
VIII. Market Violations
1. Any vendor violating the above stated rules and regulations of Flagstaff Community Market or the regulations of Coconino County Public Health Services District or other local, state, or federal agencies may be suspended and/or expelled from the Market.
2. The market manager/owner has discretion to make any on-site decisions regarding violations.
3. FCM reserves the right to audit any vendor at any time. Vendors shall cooperate with auditing process and the following guidelines shall apply to the auditing process:
a) FCM designated auditor will total daily sales at the vending booth during the course of the market.
b) Audited sales total will not be shared with the vendor and the vendor shall not ask the auditor for any audit information.
c) Should a discrepancy exist between auditor and vendor sales total, Market Manager will contact the vendor and communicate concerns.
d) Should the audited total be 30% or more higher than the vendor's average sales over the vendor’s market history, the Market Manager may either immediately terminate the vendor's privilege to sell at the Market or schedule an additional audit. The results of any additional audit and subsequent action on participation with the Flagstaff Community Market will solely be determined by Market Manager(s).
4. FCM requests all correspondences on market violations and/or concerns be submitted in writing.
Please send in registration fees to:
Paypal: [email protected]
Venmo: @flagstaff-market